India IP Partner
India IP Partner
Protecting Intellectual Property
do you have idea? Let us secure it.
Patent Searches
Patent Searches
is your invention novel? It is right choice to check novelty prior filing.
Litigation Support
Litigation Support
Securing miss-use of IP.
Your brand name is your goodwill, protect it.
Protect your product’s visual expression

Smart Work

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Unique Designs

There are many of pass of lorem ipsum available, but the majority.

Skilled Team

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Best Pricing

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About Us

India IP Partner is a full-service Intellectual Property firm, providing high quality and competitive IP services in India. Our team of attorneys, technical experts and paralegals has world-class experience across all commercial sectors. They have deep knowledge of Indian IP Law, IP Procedures and ecosystem as well as possess in-depth knowledge in various technical fields.

Whether you’re a corporate, university, Individual inventor, or law firm, we assemble the perfect team of specialists according to your needs.

our services

Best Solutions For Your Business

Patents are monopoly rights which can last for a maximum of 20 years. Potentially extremely valuable, they prevent others from using, importing or selling an invention in the protected country without the owner’s permission.
Patent Analytics
In-depth analysis of your patent provides you an overview of not only the strength of your asset but the possibilities of generating revenue from it. If you have an idea and you are planning to convert it into an asset a novelty.
Trade marks are amongst their most valuable assets. They enable customers to identify the source of products or services and are unique identifiers of the business.India IP Partner has a leading trade mark practice.
Designs protect the appearance of a product, which results from a combination of the colors, shape, contours, texture or materials. Although designs may be unregistered, registered designs.

Let us do all things for you


Individual Inventors






Law Firms


Research Organizations




What our client says

How Can We Help You?

Contact Info


10th Floor, Tower A, Logix Cyber Park, C28/29, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Fax Number

India IP Partner is a full-service Intellectual Property firm, providing high quality and competitive IP services in India. Our team of attorneys, technical experts and paralegals has world-class experience across all commercial sectors. They have deep knowledge of Indian IP Law, IP Procedures and ecosystem as well as possess in-depth knowledge in various technical fields

T-A, 10F, Back side, C28, Bhutani Cyberpark, Sector 62, Noida-201301, U.P., India